The Anti-Landfill Composting Collective is a community-centered, community-run, food scraps diversion and compost creation project located at the Bellport Community Garden.
We are determined to divert food waste from Long Island’s incinerator and landfill using the power of collective action. Composting teaches us that by refusing (saying no!) to a harmful status quo, we can create something nourishing: compost, a regenerative substance that remediates soil contamination, aids plant growth, reduces flooding, among other benefits.
While it is difficult to change our consumption and discard habits individually, when we work collectively, everything is possible.
We practice a free community composting program that demystifies composting and makes it accessible to diverse families in the community. We provide the labor, education, materials, and infrastructure, to support our neighbors as we seek better relationships to the earth and each other.
Get in touch! Join the composting collective! Fill out our form to get involved or email us at for more information.